Monday, July 11, 2011

It's All About the Choppers (or IS it?)

As a licensed minister, Scott was honored to be asked to assist with an ordained minister at what would be his first wedding in 1980. Scott was not yet ordained.  How exciting, huh?  His first wedding...

Of course, you want everything to be perfect...what could go wrong, right?

The night of the wedding rehearsal, the best man came in drunk and things quickly went down hill from there.  He came awful close to passing out several times and the groom was very nervous as well.  Scott and the ordained minister wondered how they would EVER get through the wedding the next day, or, even if they COULD have a wedding.  They were warned to not come drunk.

On the day of the wedding, the groom came in looking as good as he could in a tuxedo that didn't fit. The effects of alcohol from the night before were still clearly visible (along with numerous 'love bites' adorning the bride as she walked down the aisle). *oh, boy*

In my opinion, if ANYONE should have attended this wedding drunk, it should have been the bride!

So, picture this......a half-soused best man, the groom in a tuxedo that isn't fitting, AND NOT A SINGLE TOOTH IN HIS MOUTH!

So, just prior to the ceremony, Scott looks over and sees the groom sporting a new set of pearly whites.  Scott is wondering where he got them but thinking it was a nice gesture to want to look nice for the wedding (OK, as nice as he could...but, surely the teeth will help!)

But, the groom told Scott before leaving the basement and heading into the sanctuary, that the teeth didn't fit right and he was nervous so he didn't think that he could wear them.  Scott convinced him to keep them in his mouth.

Needless to say, part-way through the ceremony, YES! I SAID THE CEREMONY, the groom decided to do away with the choppers in front of Scott, the ordained minister, the bride, AND ALL THOSE IN ATTENDANCE!  The groom couldn't take it any more.  He was afraid they would fall out when he had to speak.  So, I will let YOU decide....IS IT ALL ABOUT THE CHOPPERS?

You wouldn't think that a set of choppers could be such a big deal, but the story doesn't end there....although, this would have been a good place for the story to end.

Isn't it the bride who is to have something old, something new, something BORROWED, and something blue?  I don't think they were referring to teeth when this tradition came about.  But, I could be wrong on that....

What I am about to tell you will probably knock the choppers right out of YOUR mouth...THE FALSE TEETH WERE NOT HIS!  THEY BELONGED TO HIS BEST MAN!

Did he ever take them out of the pocket of the tuxedo before returning it?  We will NEVER know...and we don't intend to ask!  Scott said that only God knows where those teeth have been and he prayed like crazy to just get through the ceremony with a straight face.

So, now that you know the whole story, IS IT ALL ABOUT THE CHOPPERS?  You bet it is!  If you, or the men in your lives, ever need to rent a tuxedo for a special occasion, PLEASE BE SURE TO CHECK THE POCKETS!

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